- Do you believe that all living beings need the same kind of food?
Ans. No, each species requires a different kind of food.
- Name five plants and their parts that we eat.
Ans. Names of plants and their parts that we eat are:
(a) Brinjal Plant: Fruits
(b) Carrot plant: Root
(c) Cabbage: Leaf
(d)Potato Plant: Stems
(e)Wheat: Seeds
- Match the items in column I and Column II.
Column I | Column II |
Milk, curd, paneer, ghee
Spinach, cauliflower, carrot
Lions and tigers
| eat other animals
eat plants and plant products
are vegetables
are all animal products
Column I | Column II |
Milk, curd, paneer, ghee
Spinach, cauliflower, carrot
Lions and tigers
| are all animal products
are vegetables
eat other animals
eat plants and plant products.
- Fill up the blanks with the words given:
Herbivore, plant, milk, sugarcane, carnivore.
(a) Tiger is a _______ because it eats only meat.
(b) Deer eats only plant products and so it is called a _______
(c) Parrots eat only _______
(d) The _______ that we drink, which comes from cows, buffaloes and goats is an animal product.
(e) We get sugar from _______
Ans. (a) carnivore (b) herbivore (c) plant (d) milk (e) sugarcane
Extra Questions:
Very short answer type questions:
- Mention any two examples where two or more parts of the same plant are consumed as food.
Ans. Mustard – Leaves and seeds, Pumpkin – Flowers and fruit.
- Mention any one plant which grows in water and is consumed as food.
Ans. The stem of the lotus flower is consumed as food.
- Portrait any three ways which can be very effective to prevent wastage of food.
Ans. (i) Prevent leaving food unconsumed in meals.
(ii) Follow the phrase “Eat to live” and not “live to eat” – eating more than required should be avoided
(iii) Raw edibles like grains, pulses should be stocked well.
- Name any two plants that produce sugar.
Ans. (i) Sugarcane
(ii) Sugarbeet.
- Mention at least one non-green plant that we consume as food.
Ans. Mushroom.
- What do we call every individual’s habit to of eating a peculiar type of food items generally?
Ans. Food habit.
- Compare the food habits of a person living in North India to a person living in Tamil Nadu.
Ans. North Indian food habits: Chapatti, lassi, pulses, vegetables, rice, mustard oil.
Food habits of a person in Tamil Nadu: Dosa, Idli, sambhar, upma, rasam, and puri, etc.
- What are the ingredients used to prepare cooked rice?
Ans. Raw rice and water.
- Compare the ingredients of different food items. Are they having any common food ingredients?
Ans. Yes, they do have some ingredients in common like salt, water and ghee or oil.
- Identify the two common sources of most of the ingredients of food items that we eat.
Ans. (i) Plants
(ii) Animals
- Name any three products provided by plants and animals individually.
Ans. Plant products: Cereals, grains and vegetables.
Animal products: Egg, meat and milk.
- Mention any three edible parts of plants.
Ans. (a) Fruits (b) Roots (c) Leaves
- Which part of the plants we generally eat?
Ans. We generally eat fruits from most of the plants.
- Among normal seeds and sprouted seeds, from which do we get more energy?
Ans. We get more energy from sprouted seeds than from normal seeds.
- What is honey?
Ans. Honey is a sweet substance in liquid state made by bees from the nectar obtained from flowers, i.e., sweet juice collected from flowers is called nectar.
- What would you call the human beings based on the type of food that they eat or their food habit?
Ans. Omnivores.
- What is food?
Ans. Food is the edible substance which are consumed by humans and other animals to absorb energy for various activities like physical movement, growth and development.
- Why is it advised that we should prefer eating cooked food?
Ans. It advised that we should prefer eating cooked food because by cooking harmful germs will be destroyed and becomes germless. Cooked food can be easily digested and absorbed by our digestive system in our body. Cooking will also enhance the taste of food.
- Illustrate the significance of food for living organisms.
Ans. The importance of food is:
(i) They are converted into energy which is required to do various activities.
(ii) It helps in growth of living organisms.
(iii) It helps in the process of repair and replace of damaged parts of the body of living organisms.
(iv) It safeguards us from various diseases and infections.
- Illustrate the different sources of food items and ingredients with the help of examples.
Ans. There are mainly two sources of ingredients of various food items:
(a) Plants: Plants provide us vegetables, pulses, fruits, cereals, grains etc.
(b) Animals: Animals provide us meat, eggs, and milk etc.
- Explain the term herbivores.
Ans. Herbivores are the animals which eat only plants or plant products. For instance, cow, goat and buffalo are herbivores.
- Explain the term omnivores.
Ans. Omnivores are the animals which eat both plants and animals. For instance, Bear, rodent, dog etc
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